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Power Calculator

These calculators are provided to help you determine the size of generator required for your specific needs. These calculators are provided to assist in general estimates only. Please consult a sales rep for generating sizing.


To use the Required Power Calculator, simply enter the voltage and amps you require for your job, click the power factor and phase, then click on the Calculate button.

Required Power
Voltage (V) Amps (A) Power Factor Phase
Power Required (kW):
Power Required (kVA):

To calculate how many amps you can get out of a generator, simply enter the generator size in kVA and the voltage you require for your job, click the phase, then click on the Calculate button.

Calculating Amps
Generator (kVA) Voltage (V) Phase
Amps (A):

Power Trowels

Picture of Walk Behind Power trowel

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Over 32 Years of Serving the Industry